It’s very critical that all strips of the same size be planed to exactly the same thickness. Oversize a little to allow planing of each strip. Plan to lose about 5″ of board width when making these cuts. 42 strips were cut, so there was a considerable amount of waste just due to the blade kerf.

Once the stock was milled we cut 30″ strips according to the plan on the table saw. We also had to establish a clean edge using a jointer. Our stock was rough 8/4 so we planed all of it to 1-3/4″. We built these boards with hard maple and black walnut, but you can use other woods as long as there is a distinctive color difference. If you want to work in millimeters then no conversion is necessary. This is important because the plan is in metric dimensions, and SketchUp will let you convert to imperial measurements with whatever granularity you require. As a bonus you can also download a SketchUp model of the cutting board. The plan is very detailed and is an excellent instructional with all of the information you need to successfully build this board. There are many other plans you can download as well.

The plan is freely downloadable from, although you will need to register on the website in order to download the plan. Building this cutting board is not hard, but it requires accuracy.